Bruno BISI / Painter
Bruno BISI/ Painter.
Ecole des Beaux Arts de Lyon.
Diploma in visual expression at ESAIG
Ecole Estienne/ Paris 13.
Painted since 2008 and dedicated entirely to painting since 2019.
Illustrator / Youth Edition for:
Fleurus presse, Disney Hachette, Nathan, Magnard...
Color designer, decorator
then Color Art Director/ Animation Cinema for Production Companies:
Alphanim Gaumont, Xilam animation, Dargaud Storimages, Millimages...
Artistic culture derived from the graphic arts and from visits to major European museums.
2023 - ArtCapital, mini exposition personnelle dans le cadre du Salon dessin et peinture à l'eau, Paris
2020 - Salon du dessin et de la peinture à l'eau, Grand Palais, Paris
2019 - représenté par la Galerie Harmattan, Megève (74)
2019 - Salon du dessin et de la peinture à l'eau, Grand Palais, Paris
2015 - Art capital, Salon des artistes français, Grand Palais, Paris
2015 - Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris
2015 - Salon international d'automne, Sarria, Espagne
2015 - Salon international, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie
2014 - Art capital, Salon des artistes français, Grand Palais, Paris
2013 - Grand marché d'art contemporain,La Bastille, Paris
2019 - Prix du Salon du Dessin et Peinture à l'eau, Grand Palais, Paris
2015 - Prix Fredart :
Festival International de street painting, Toulon (00)
Colour inks, watercolor chalk and acrylic colours.
All materials work on art papers
not smoothed, with high weight, made in a mill
then mounted on canvas.
Manufacture: Larroque mill - Dordogne.
Current theme:
Submerged forests/ large formats.
Other areas covered:
Ancient or contemporary objects of recovery:
sneakers, boxing gloves, Dinky toys, doudous...
Strong interest in outdoor drawing.
( The landscapes are sketched on the motif and then taken up in the workshop ).
Access to the galleries of the notebooks of color drawings.
I still wonder, after having worn my eyes over the work of the elders and contemporaries, painters or draftsmen, which may well have an influence on me .Impressionists on the front lines, of course...
But for example, when I was creating sets for animation, the realistic aesthetics of Hayao Miyazaki’s films profoundly influenced me even though Miyazaki was under Impressionist influence.
Somehow, a Japanese artist was re-serving me a visual universe, certainly interpreted, but from my own culture. Bring the confrontation of colors to its maximum, choose warm tones that burn your fingers, cool them, always contrast them... It is because I work on this rough looking paper that I feel the same pleasure for each passage :ink washes, chalk melted on the ink and in the fiber then reaffirmation of colors and highlighting with acrylic. It is the chance and the final rendering of this kitchen on uneven paper that I like to observe once the work is done.
Bruno BISI
" Most of the work I have done in the last fifty years are the residues of a far more ambitious attempt.
What we’re doing is only what’s left of what we wanted to do. We select, we choose, we enter abundant forests and we come back with a small bunch of three strands, all happy ».
Jean Giraud - Moebius / Interviews with Rebecca Manzoni.
It is books and paintings that have the power to transform a landscape into a stunning architecture,
which will now appear as having been there from all eternity. The poverty of things which have only the virtue of being there will amaze the creator,in relation to the richness of the least coloured shade of which he knows himself capable.
Philippe Muray / Perfect disagreement / Twilight.
" In painting, if you know what you want to get, you can paint even with boxing gloves, because if
the image you’re screaming is wobbly, we’ll understand you anyway ".
" There is never a moment of pure happiness in creation. We can feel the promise in the act of painting, but it disappears before the completion of the work ".
Lucian Freud / Interviews with Robert Hugues.
" When I see myself coming back from a mental work to balance the 6 essential colors, it’s pure
work... One has the mind focused and stretched to the maximum as an actor on stage in a difficult role
with a thousand things to think about at the same time in a single half hour...() I’m in the middle of complicated calculus where results, paintings made fast, but long calculated in advance. So when you’re told it was done too quickly, you can tell them that they looked too fast ".
Van Gogh / Letters to Theo.